Multifunction DAQ

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More installation issues on Ubuntu

Hi, like many other users I am also having problems installing on Ubuntu 8.0.4.xx Hardy.  I have got quite far, but have now hit a wall.  Here is what i have done so far.


  1. Downloaded DAQmx Base 3.2
  2. Installed Visa with sudo nivisa/INSTALL --no-prompt --accept-license --force 
  3. Alienated all the rpm packages with alien --scripts -d *.rpm
  4. Then Installed with dpkg -i *.deb
  5. Rebooted
  6. With lsmod | grep ni

nipxirmk              124756  1
nidimk                385952  2 nipxirmk
niorbk                128084  2 nipxirmk,nidimk
nipalk               1422736  5 nipxirmk,nidimk,niorbk
nikal                  79424  3 nipalk
usbcore               146028  6 nikal,rt2570,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd


   7. With lsdaq


root@phil-desktop:/media/cdrom0# lsdaq
Detecting National Instruments DAQ Devices
Found the following DAQ Devices:

Nothing.  Any ideas?  Oh its a PCI-4462 by the way.



Phil Winder

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Very sorry, I have just read that the 4462 is not compatible with DAQmx Base.  I am currently trying to install the DAQmx 8.0 package, but getting kernal version errors.  There are quite a few posts on the problem so I will keep trying and report back if I have any breakthroughs!


Phil Winder

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Message 2 of 5

Ok, I cant seem to get it working.  I always get stuck at the incorrect kernal version errors.  I have tried to follow other post's and attempted to recompile sources, headers and their modules.  Nothing working yet.  If anyone has had success with recent versions of Ubuntu and the daqmx 8.0 then feel free to enlighten me!


For the debian fearing NI developers, are there any plans to support the PCI-4462 in the DAQmx Base version in the near future?  I can only presume that NI engineers are working on supporting all devices.  Any ideas on timelines?  


Back to XP.... again!



Phil Winder

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hi Phil,


Unfortunately there are no specific timeframes for when new drivers and updates are due to be released. This link enables you to suggest improvements to products for future releases.


Labview 8.5 will install on this kernel, although it isnt technically a platform we support.



Mike W
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi Mike,

Yeah I know, but silly me bought the windows version!

I dont suppose there is anywhere I can download Labview for linux is there? For instance, can I download the demo version and plonk my serial number in there?




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