04-08-2014 02:57 PM
Hello, all,
I need to design a Labview problem as a Multi-channel Sequential Controlling Pulse Generator and output through DAQ card. The required digital pulses are showns in the attachment. Time scale values are shown on the top as an example. CLK's duty cycle is 0.5. x1 and x2's value need to be programable.
Could anyone give example codes? Or, give me any idea to program these pulses?
04-09-2014 03:01 PM
Hey haitaoli7036,
A good place to look would be in the NI Example Finder. In LabVIEW, go to Help>>Find Examples. You can then navigate to Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Digital Output. These examples should be very useful in getting you started.
Feel free to post about any specific issues you may be running into while trying these examples out.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments