03-11-2025 01:02 PM - edited 03-11-2025 01:45 PM
I have searched all over to find a solution to this. I have an PXIe-6375 DAQ and am programming it from a C program. I would like to be able to specify (any) one of my analog channels to be my trigger event and use it to capture pre and post trigger samples (on all of the channels, including the trigger channel). I have sequenced the active channel definitions so that (DAQmxCreateAIVoltageChan) my selected trigger channel is always first. Without using pretrigger, no error codes are thrown (in simulation mode). However, as soon as I ask for pretrigger
such as DAQmxCfgAnlgEdgeRefTrig(gTaskHandle, triggerChannel, TriggerSlope, AcqParams.TriggerLevel, PretriggerSamples),
I get an -200264 error code (Device supports an analog channel as the source of an analog reference trigger only when it is the only channel in the task.). As a workaround, I tried to add an extra task where the trigger channel is in a separate task and used to trigger capture of the remaining channels. It complained that I had the trigger channel in both tasks.
I'm sure someone has done this before - is there any way to do this? Many thanks
03-12-2025 06:45 AM
See Error -200264 When Performing Analog Reference Triggering