Multifunction DAQ

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NI-DAQ + NI USB-4431: Error 233054

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Hello everybody,


First of all, here is my config:

- Dev PC: Win 7 - 32 bits

- LabView 2009 - 32 bits

- NI DAQ 9.7.5

- Acquisition card: NI USB-4431


The problem: 

When I start my application right after having plug my acquisition card to my PC (or after boot), the DAQ Assistant give me the error 233054:


I did not found any explaination on this amazing tool which is internet, so  I come here! 😉

The only way I fount to go forward, is opening NI-MAX, ask to do an acquisition, ask to do a generation (which one works) and then, I can go back in LabView and launch my program!

The problem seems coming from initialization. But I don't see what I have to do to have it working every time! Any idea?


Best regards,



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Message 1 of 6



I found a corrective action request which documents this behavior as a bug in the driver setting an incorrect DDS clock rate. Try upgrading to the newest version of DAQmx and try again.


Best regards

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Message 2 of 6



Will the newest DAQmx support LabVIEW 2009?  If not, can you check for a version that both corrects the CAR *and* still supports 2009 for sure?


-Kevin P


ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy came to an end (finally!). Unfortunately, pricing favors the captured and committed over new adopters -- so tread carefully.
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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by haroldducept



I just check the compatibility between daqmx driver and labview. I notice your daqmx driver version 9.7.5 is not compatible with labview 2009, that why, you have this deal.

The latest version of daqmx with labview 2009 is 9.7 see below



DAQmx and LabVIEW Version Compatibility:


So may you uninstall 9.7.5 and reinstall daqmx 9.7 see this link

Uninstall Software


Best regards.

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Message 4 of 6

Hello everybody!


Thanks for your replies!

Unfortunately, I have to work on something else for the moment. So I will come back on this subject in a few days.


So, following your advices, I will uninstall my NI-DAQ version to install the 9.7 and come back here to tell you if it works!





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Message 5 of 6

Hello all,


As promised, I've followed your instructions and it seems it works!


Thanks a lot for your help! I would'nt have find it alone!





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Message 6 of 6