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NI-USB 6008 Mac OSX

Operating System: Mac OSX (Mountain Lion)

Hardware: Macbook Pro


Hi all, 


I have been working with the Ni-Daq for some years now, and although I also have a labview license, I tend to work mostly with c. I write the c code and compile to an executable using Visual C++ on a windows machine. 95% of the time I'm working with MacOSX, only occasionally using the windows machine to run my Ni-DAQ/GPIB applications. I have recently discovered, however, that this may now be possible using MacOSX. I therefore have many questions, and would be grateful to anyone taking the time to answer them:  


  1. Can I compile a c program using Xcode for use with the NI-DAQ 6008. If so then:
    • what OSX specific header files are required for both NI-DAQ and GPIB
    • after compiling the code, what type of output file will/should be generated
  2. What do I need to install on the OSX system in order to talk to the Ni-DAQ 6008 with the Xcode compiled program
  3. What do I need to install on my OSX system in order to talk to the GPIB equipment with the Xcode compiled program

Thanks in advance for your help! 

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Message 1 of 3

Hi 6008-OSX,


the steps for setting up a Mac or Windows Desktop are the same:


Installing LabVIEW and afterwards the driver. Depending on your LabVIEW Version you need to install a different driver Version: LabVIEW, NI-DAQmxBase, NI-488.2


The USB-6008 is supported by Mac OS and DAQmx base. GPIB is also supported. But you should regard the supported programming languages for Mac OS.


Why is the output file type important for you?




Philipp K.

AE | NI-Germany



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Message 2 of 3

Hi Philipp, 


Thanks very much for your reply, and appologies for not following this up sooner. 


Well, I don't intend on installing the Labview on Mac OSX, since we have just the one license for a windows machine. I was hoping to write and complile my project using xcode, so I was wondering what the ouput file type should be. The question thus remains; how is it possible to talk to the NiDaQ with code written in the Xcode application. 


Thanks again, 

 - Rob

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Message 3 of 3