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NI6009 causes blue-screen-of-death on VISTA shutdown

When the USB 6009 is plugged into my VISTA  based computer then this causes the blue-screen-of-death and a memory dump each time VISTA shuts down.   Here is some additional information:


  • my system is a 2.40GHz Intel quad core, 4GB ram, 500GB HD, 64 bit Vista Home Premium
  • problem occurs for both versions 8.7.1 and 8.8.0 of NIDAQ-mx
  • problem does not occur on single core Intel 2.25GHz Intel Pentium 4 running WinXP Pro
  • problem does not occur on Vista based computer if the 6009 is first disconnected from computer before shutting down


Any suggestions of how to trouble shoot this problem or ideas of what is happening and how to correct it?





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Message 1 of 5

Hey Ian,


Can you post the memory dump to our FTP site ( so we can take a look at it?  This is the first I've heard of this behavior so I'm hesitant to start with suggestions, but it would be helpful to know more about your computer - do you have a manufacturer and model or if this is home brew what motherboard are you using?


Hopefully this will give us an idea of what the problem is, and we can find a fix/work around.



Andrew S

Multifunction DAQ Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 5

Hi Andrew,


Thanks for looking into this.  I have copied the file 'Ian Bell' to the NI FTP site.   If there is any other information I can provide you with then let me know.






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Message 3 of 5

Hey Ian,


I just took a quick look at this. It looks like you're using Kaspersky Anti-Virus and it is what actaully crashed. Just to confirm, can you turn it off before you shutdown to see if alters the behavior? I'm not too familiar with this virus scanner, does it have any settings scpecific to USB?



Andrew S

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Message 4 of 5

Hello  Andrew,


I uninstall Kaspersky and bingo, the BSOD does not appear.     I then re-installed Kaspersky and the BSOD problem reoccurred.    I'll contact Kaspersky and see how to proceed from here.

I will have to learn how to extract information from the system dumps.   Thanks for helping out.





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Message 5 of 5