Multifunction DAQ

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NI9237 calibration in MAX



I try to calibrate my strain gages.

My set-up is as follows:

- strain gage

- NI9945

- RJ50 cable

- NI9237

- cRIO9024 (DAQmx driver is installed, see Figure 1)

and LabVIEW 2014 installed


I would like to start with a calibration in MAX as described in: 

Unfortunately I am not able to create an "NI-DAQmx Global Virtual Channel"... (see Figure 2, 3)


At the same time I have programmed the FPGA to gather data with the NI9237.

This works without any problem and thus the connection, the cRIO, the module are fine. It shoud be kind of a driver-issue..?!?


Thanks for the help in advance,




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Message 1 of 3
A cRIO does not use DAQmx. It uses the FPGA code as you apparently have already done.
Message 2 of 3

owww fair enough, so I need either

- a compactDAQ system, or

- a Ethernet C-Series cDAQ Module carrier (e.g. ENET-9163)  ..?


Thanks a lot Dennis,


All the Best,



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