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National Instruments mDNS Responder Service

When do you notice that it takes up >50% of your CPU? Is this right at startup, or does it happen when you perform some action or run some application? Have you always seen this issue since installing that beta version, or has it just started happening?

Justin E
National Instruments R&D
0 Kudos
Message 41 of 67

We are troubleshooting very slow performance on this new (dual quad core) computer.  I'm not sure whether we ran LabView or MAX when we saw the 50% - 90% cpu usage by nimdnsResponder.  We are running Win 64bit.  I restarted the computer and did not run anything other than Task Manager and Resource Monitor to get a snapshot of the processes.  nimdnsResponder just after the restart was not using much processor time.  After an hour or so of just idle processing, it crept up in usage.  At 1:34 for system idle process, we had logged 0:03 (minutes) time in nimdnsResponder.  Processor usage seems to be increasing with time since boot.



0 Kudos
Message 42 of 67


I have same problem. My colleague installed mDNS Responder (bonjour from apple), but it wasn't OK. Can you help me, please?


THX m.

0 Kudos
Message 43 of 67

Hi m


Did you get the mDNSResponder from NI?  See if you can have Justin setup a copy up for you to download.  The last one I downloaded was version 214.



0 Kudos
Message 44 of 67


You mean it

I don't find mDNS Responder






0 Kudos
Message 45 of 67



I think the files in this area are removed after a period of time.  The zip file I received had a password.  Hopefully, Justin is monitoring this board and can provide the update file and password.



0 Kudos
Message 46 of 67

Yep, I'm still monitoring this thread Smiley Happy


zolik10, can you describe the problem you're having with mDNSResponder? There have been a few different issues reported in this thread thus far, so I'm not sure exactly what you're seeing.

Justin E
National Instruments R&D
0 Kudos
Message 47 of 67

Hi Justin

Thank you (and Mike too) for fast answer.


We had the PC with win XP and all was OK. We reinstalled the PC and installed win7 Pro. After, the service "Device Loader" don't run automatic, only manual mode. Then we reinstalled PC again, but don't change.

When we connect PC to the firm network, this problem occurs 100 per cent (PrtSc from win log). When this PC don't connect to the network, this problem occurs sometimes.

We have this configuration:

PC HP XW4600

PXI 1033

NI 6225

NI 6514

NI 7332

camera (ethernet)


win 7 Pro (32 bit)

Labview runtime 2010 SP1

Vision Runtime 2010 SP1

Vision acqusition September 2011

Device drivers Feb11


I attach the error log from win.




0 Kudos
Message 48 of 67



This may be unrelated to your problem, but I had a problem with system interrupt servicing that bogged down 8 cpu cores.  After fixing this issue, mDNSResponder CPU usage seemed to improve.  I still have a minor cpu usage issue after the computer resumes from hibernate state.  This issue was traced to the network drivers.  Even though Windows update indicated that everything was up to date, I found a later version network driver from Intel and that fixed the interrupt service problem.  I used the latency checker tool below to isolate the actual cause of the problem.


A tool that is helpful in diagnosing latency issues is DPC Latency Checker and can be downloaded from:

DPC Latency Checker



Mouse hangs and sluggish performance can sometimes be due to deferred procedure calls and interrupt issues in Windows and this tool is helpful in diagnosis these cases.  Good background information is available on their website on causes and how to interpret the tools data.


In cases where DPC Latency is the culprit in performance issues, it is usually a driver that is causing the problem.  Disabling one device (driver) at a time is one approach to diagnosing this.  The typical solution is use of OEM drivers and not Microsoft provided drivers.  Again, their website covers this information quite adequately.



0 Kudos
Message 49 of 67

Hey zolik10, it looks like you're getting the -65549 error as other users have seen in this thread. I've uploaded a version of mDNSResponder that should fix the issue here:

Please reply back letting us know whether or not this fixes your issue. 

Justin E
National Instruments R&D
0 Kudos
Message 50 of 67