05-24-2017 09:00 AM
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a new Stand-Alone DAQ multifunctional device.
I need a DAQ device for an experimental set up. Set up consists of camera and three lasers. I want to make alternating lasers, i.e. laser1 fires for few camera pulses and turns off, then laser2 switches on and fires for few frames and turs off, then the third one. Then entire sequence repeats.
I tried using NI DAQ USB-6281 device and use its 2 counters to make at least two alternating lasers, but it didn't work out (seemed like I needed at least 3 counters...) Another idea was to use Pattern Matching, but 6281 doesn't have such feature.
So, what I need is:
-Stand-alone device
-Mostly digital i/o
-At least one analog i/o
-Device with USB preffered
-Good for Pattern Matching
-Or enougth counters for such task
Thoughts on which devices might me suitable? Where can I find a list of devices that support pattern matching?
Also, any advice on creating vi's for alternating lasers is appreciated.
04:34 AM
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03:12 PM
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Hello Dankudrin,
if i understand you correct, you will output a custom DIO pattern.
What you can try, use one counter to generate a PWM. This PWM is used as the sample clock for the digital I/O to make a correlated DIO output. Calculate the digital waveform, before starting, you know the frequency and when something must happen. Then give this waveform to the DO with the know frequency.
Attached an example, which only put out the waveform on a cDAQ, but it can be used as a starting point.
If it should be a real standalone system, then cRIO 9066 with some digital modules can be an option, but you have to program the RT and FPGA part.