Multifunction DAQ

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PB with DC Voltage acquisition LV 8.5 + DAQ PCI 6221



I have a problem when I do an acquisition of my DC voltage, sometimes the tension indicate by labview increase at 10V (default I think), where as my DC voltage have not change (I verfiy with a multimeter).


I don't know why.



I put my VI  here if you want to see my parameters of the DAQ express...





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Could you check with Measurement & Automation Explorer if you have the same issue?


Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Romain D.
National Instruments France

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Message 2 of 3

Yes I have the same problem...


I have change my input but it's the same thing, sometimes, I don't know why, the voltage is 10V and after few seconds it become normal...

I have change my parameters now I choose RSE mode and not differential mode, it's ok now with other mode.



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