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PCI 5153 always busy (cannot fetch data)

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History: We've been running a data acquisition system using a PCI 5153 card continously for about 16 months now. Of course, there were some interruptions from software updates etc. The card and the VI performed perfectly normal over these 16 months. We trigger on an external signal and store both channels.


Issue: Yet after our last restart of the PC the VI we've been using all the time won't fetch any triggers as it always times out with the following error:

niScope Multi Fetch<ERR>Data transfer timed out because the device was busy. Try fetching again.

Status Code: -228858


What we've tried so far without fixing the issue:

1) Restart the PC again

2) Reset the device in NI MAX (reset successful)

3) Self-tested the device in NI MAX (self test completed successful)

4) Updating the NI Scope drivers

5) Writing a simple program using the NI Scope Express VI

6) Run the test-panel



We've had some minor success when we only fetch data from channel 0. Then the card is working flawlessly in all setups (i.e. our VI, the test panel and the simple NI Scope Express VI). But as soon as we try to fetch data from channel 1 we get the error that the device is busy.


I would greatly appreciate any help on this.



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by NablaQuabla

Hi Bjorn,


Thank you for being thorough in your description and listing all the trouble shooting steps you have already completed.


Typically, the -228858 error is thrown because internal component failure. Have you tried to self-calibrate the device in NI MAX? I am curious if the same error is thrown when you try this.


If it does, you will most likely need to send the device to the NI RMA department for repair. You can reach the RMA department at 877-493-2406, and will need to provide them with the serial number of the device.




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Message 2 of 3

Thanks will.i.am10.


We've sent the card in for repairs, so I guess that closes this question.




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