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PCI 6052E can not read Temperature from thermocouples

I am replacing the control computer and doing some upgrades as follows:


Old computer:

Labview 7.1

NI PCI-6220

Daqmx driver 8.0.1


New computer;

Labview 8.6

NI PCI-6052E

Daqmx driver 8.9.5


I am not able to read the temperature from thermocouples configured in a virtual task, and tasks are called from an initialization VI (start task, read task, stop task).

code is working in the old computer but not the new one, am I missing something?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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Message 1 of 9

In your picture I do not see the PCI-6052E listed as a device.  I would recommend making sure it is seated correctly in the PCI slot.  Also it couldn't hurt to get NI-DAQmx 9.1 either, as that is what I am running with no problems recognizing my PCI-6052E or reading temperatures from a thermocouple.  Also make sure you have it correctly set up for reading in the mode you prefer, i.e. bias resistors for differential input signals for nonrefernced signals and type of CJC source.  Hope this helps...

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Message 2 of 9

Thanks for you reply, the pic is from the old computer, attached is the one from the new computer with the card being recognized in MAX. so the problem is not recognizing the card since it shows up in MAX and I can read and write digital points but not analog.

how do you set/check the type of CJC source


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

So I can try to answer your question; which NI accessory are you using alongside the 6052E?, i.e. SCB-68

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Message 4 of 9

SCXI-1303 accessory connected to SCXI-1102 modual.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

OK, the SCXI-1303 does have a built in CJC source.  At a glance, you should not have to change any resistors.  If you do not have the links already:


They have detailed explanations of how to take measurements with your hardware.


One more thing to try: Right click on the 6052E in MAX, go to Properties>>Accessory and make sure you have the proper selections.  Without having that accessory myself this may be as far as I can help you along, but for awhile I did not have my temperature refernce enabled in the configuration from this menu and it was a definite showstopper.


While I have successfully configured my 6052E now, it took a significant amount of manual reading to accomplish everything I was going for...

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Message 6 of 9

Thanks for your help, but to more explain the issue, the system is working perfectly with the old computer, I want to leave every thing connected the way it is, and just replace the computer and the PCI card, so what I did,  I replaced the computer and imported the configuration from from MAX, and auto detected the moduals, every thing is working fine, except reading the thermocouples, it reads full range looks like the scalling is missing.

the scaling is set in virtual tasks which are called on start up of the systm in a VI. so is upgrading from Labview 7.1 to Labview 8.6 would change the way these tasks work?.

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Message 7 of 9

I am a new user as of LV 2009, but if the scaling is all that is missing, I would just rebuild that VI.  Sorry I couldn't help further...

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Message 8 of 9

Ok Thanks anyway.

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Message 9 of 9