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PCI-6120 AO runs before trigger

Hello folks!


I'm using a PCI-6120 (Driver NIDAQmx 9.4) with a BNC-2120, with MatLab 2010a. I'm trying to synchronize the generation of a signal with an acquisition. Easy Peasy... as it should be...!! But I have an issue with the AO! Here is how I configured AI and AO so that they are synchronized:





So theoretically, on a negative edge of PFI0, both AI and AO should start running, right?!


So I put some data into the AO buffer (using "pudata" function), and I execute start(ai) and start(ao) so that they get ready and wait for a trigger. But then, after having executed start(ao), and before any trigger happens, the AO returns to the initial state: no data in the buffer and AO waiting for start. I don't understand. And the most impressive thing is that if I plug a scope at the output of the AO, I don't see any signal being generated! It's like I didn't do anything! The data in the AO buffer simply vanished.


Does anybody have a clue...?


Thanks a lot in advance.
And in the meantime, have a good Xmas.  🐵



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Luc,


Your problem may be caused by this file mwnidaqmx.dll, the first release of mwnidaqmw.dll had errors with waveform generation and "putdata" command.


I hope it will solve your problem.


Thanks, I wish you a merry Xmas and an happy new year


Best Regards,

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Vincent,


I tried to get the dll from a Malab 2011 version but it does not change anything... 😞


Any other suggestion?


More generally, what can make an AO run before trigger? Even though mine does not really run since I don't get any sample on the output... Everything just disappears... The problem is not when I execute "putdata(ao)", but when I execute "start(ao)". After the putdata,everything is fine. Data are loaded and device is waiting for start. But when I execute start(ao), everything disappears.




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Message 3 of 3