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PCI adapter for PCMCIA DAQmx devices

I would like to use a DAQCard-6036E for a laptop-based application, but would like to use it on my desktop as well (mostly for development). I have read the articles already posted about using a PCI-PCMCIA adapter card with DAQmx devices (Document ID: 2FSFI7YP) and read through the forums as well. I would like to know if anyone has been successful with the DAQCard-6063E and a PCI adapter yet and would be willing to post their solution.


On my own, I am currently looking at using a SYBA PCMCIA PCI to cardbus Add-on card (Model SD-PCI-PCM, available at Has anyone tried this, or do you see anything that would keep this from working?



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Message 1 of 4

Hello Aerogoob, 


Just in case nobody had tested this I thought I'd throw this out there.  While I'm guessing that you're looking into using this converter because you already have the DAQCard-6036E, we do have a number of USB DAQ products that you could reliably use on both your desktop and laptop (assuming they both have USB ports). 

The USB M Series cards would be a nice upgrade from the DAQCard-6036E. 


As the KnowledgeBase article you mentioned says, the best way to find out if a particular converter will work is to try it out.  National Instruments has not tested these converters so we don't guarantee they will work, but in many cases they do.  While it doesn't look like the converter you're interested in is too expensive, you may want to check the return policy wherever you do decide to purchase the converter from just in case you have to switch to another brand of converter.


I haven't personally tested any of these converters, but from the product link you provided nothing stands out that would cause issues with the DAQCard-6036E.  I'd say it is worth trying it out; if you do decide to try this I'm sure there would be other forum users who would be interested to know the result once you test it. 


Let me know what you find and have a great day! 



Message Edited by Brooks_C on 09-08-2008 10:10 AM
Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the Reply, Brooks.


I already have a couple different USB-based DAQ modules, and the real trouble I've had with them is simultaneous analog acquisition during digital output (for high sampling rates). Due to the nature of my applications, I can't (usually) use pre-buffered digital output, as I actually need cycle-by-cycle control for the digital output (basically, I have a situation where every millisecond counts, and I can't wait 20ms to make a decision about responding to an analog input). I have had success before with both PCI and PCMCIA cards, as they are linked directly to the system bus, and the USB buffer bottleneck doesn't slow me down.


I'm also trying to deploy the 6036E onto multiple platforms; many of them being portable laptop-based applications where a bus-powered device is necessary. Keeping the cost low (without sacrificing too many options) is really the driving factor (aside from the USB transfer rate bottleneck) in choosing the 6036E.


In addition to the card reader I mentioned before, I think I'm go to go ahead and bite the bullet and purchase a Synchrotech PCM-CR-PC1IF32-B ($115.00 -- Ouch)... All signs seem to point  to "just get the right equipment up front". If they both work - super. If not, I'll have something to share with someone else. I'll post results of this trial as soon as I have them.


Thanks for your reply!!

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Message 3 of 4

I've used this one successfully - though I've only tested it with a few Dells. There may be other resellers available as well. 




Andrew S

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Message 4 of 4