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PCIe-6321 does not detect SCXI-1000 chassis

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I have PCIe-6321 card and want to read trhee SCXI-1102B modules (temeprature measurements) from SCXI-1000 chassis. Well, SCXI-1000 chassis is not detected by MAX. I know that SCXI is a bit old thing but beside cable checking any suggestions?



I have 6 years old computer with NI PCI-6035E (legacy PCI card) and that prefectly works with SCXI-1000 chassis. Now I got new computer but unfortunately it has no legacy PCI slots and only PCIe. So, I bought PCIe-6321 hoping that it will work with SCXI-1000. It does not. Both computers however have Windows 10 x64 and latest NI software and drivers 15.x. On the new computer I also have connected cDAQ-9178 and PCIe-1433 with Basler acA2000-340kc camera. These additional hardware should not interfere, or?


See below MAX snapshots from NEW and OLD computers. In the latter the SCXI system is prefetcly detected.



NEW computer:


New computer



OLD computer:



Old computer

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by Alex2012

Hi Alex,


SCXI systems aren't automatically detected when they are connected to a plug-in DAQ card. The SCXI Quick Start describes how to get your chassis detected on the new computer. If you've already got it hooked up you can probably start at step 11.



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Message 2 of 3

A bit late reply though I've got time only now to finalize this.


Luke, thanks for the help! Detection went like a charm in suggested SCXI Quick Start. Now, however, I will try to make that LV old software working on the new machine. I am getting the odd message (below) but probably I have to redo software and use DAQ wizard instead manual task creations and initializations Smiley Mad


"Property Node DAQmx Channel (arg 3) in DAQmx Create Channel (AI-Voltage-Basic).vi:1780004->> <append>
<B>Property: </B>AI.Max
<B>Requested Value: </B>Inf
<B>Maximum Value: </B> 179,769313e306
<B>Minimum Value: </B>-179,769313e306
<B>Channel Name: </B>Temperature_3
<B>Task Name: </B>_unnamedTask<87>"

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