12-21-2014 09:30 PM
hi, is there any suitable pH sensor for ni usb 6008? i found some
but these are for arduino. Is it possible for me to modify it and connect it to LabVIEW through NI USB 6008?
12-22-2014 04:53 PM
Unless you are planning on using the USB 6008 for other tasks, I would just buy a pH meter with RS-232.
01-05-2015 01:57 PM
The description of that pH interface says it connects to an analogue input on the Arduino, so you should also be able to read it with an analogue input on the USB-6008. Looking at the schematic you can probably power it from the +5V supply available from the USB-6008 as well, as I don't expect it to consume more than 100 mA on the 5 V rail (do check though). It should be as simple as connecting up the +5 V and GND connections and linking the interface's output to an input on the 6008.
If anyone sells a pH meter with RS-232 for anywhere near $30, I'm all ears.