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Problem for my compact DAQ to recognize parrallel port

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I have a compact DAQ NI9133 on which I would like to connect NI modules.


My issue is that it is not recognized in NI Max. I suppose I am missing some drivers; I reinstalled twice DAQmx 15.0 completely but I still have the same issue.
Looking to the enclosed images, it seems like the parralel isn't recognized.


I've been trying many different things to solve this but unsuccessfully. If somebody can help me 🙂









0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14
The cDAQ is not supposed to recognize the parallel port. The pc would recognize it if you actually had a parallel port.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14

Ok so maybe the issue is no linked to the parrallel port.

I've seen that this type of error can sometimes be due to the fact that the drivers were installed while the hardware material was allready connected. I would like to try to reinstall everything this way:


- uninstall DAQmx and VISA

- disconnect hardware material

-install the latest version of DAQmx and VISA

- connect again the CDAQ.


My question might be silly but how can I work (un/install) on the drivers whithout DAQmx connected as soon as in fact the compact DAQ is the computer on which I need to install the software ??


I feel like I didn't understood something ....

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

These look like screenshots taken from a host PC.  Are you using the USB Device Port on the 9133 to connect to a different computer?  Is your 9133 a Windows or a Linux RT controller?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

Thanks for your help KBreezy.

Well I am not using a host PC plugged on the USB Device Port. These screenshots are directly taken from the monitor plugged on the Mini Display Port Connector.

It previously worked that way without using any host PC. It's only the fact that I uninstalled all the NI software that is making the cDAQ not being recognized anymore.

It don't really know what should I do next..



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14

MAX still shows that you have drivers installed.  It's Windows that has not associated a driver with the device.  How does it appear in Windows Device Manager?


gaet.m wrote:

I've seen that this type of error can sometimes be due to the fact that the drivers were installed while the hardware material was allready connected. I would like to try to reinstall everything this way:


- uninstall DAQmx and VISA

- disconnect hardware material

-install the latest version of DAQmx and VISA

- connect again the CDAQ.

What is the "hardware material" you have connected?


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14



Here are 2 screenshots of the device manager and one other shows the MAX issue. I suppose the unknown device that is shown in the device manager is the same as the one marked with a red cross in MAX.









When I said "hardware material" I was just thinking about disconecting the NI cDAq. But as I said, if I disconnect it, I can't install anything anymore (as the "computer" will be OFF).


Hope these elements will help you !


Thank you very much,

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

Let's ignore the parallel port for a second.  In Device Manager, the cDAQ backplane shows up under NI-VISA USB Devices.  It looks to me like Windows has associated the device with the wrong driver.


In Device Manager, under NI-VISA USB Devices, try right-clicking cDAQ-9133 and selecting Update Driver Software.  Choose Search automatically for updated driver software.  That should reassociate the backplane with the DAQmx driver, and the 9133 will show up in Device Manager under Data Acquisition Devices, rather than under NI-VISA USB Devices.


If that doesn't happen, try to update the driver software again from Device Manager, but this time, choose Browse my computer for driver software.  Then click on Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.  Uncheck Show compatible hardware, select cDAQ-9133 from the list of device models, and click Next.


Let us know how it goes.

Message 8 of 14

Thank you Kyle. Things are going forward.


I followed your procedure and now the cDAQ appears as a data acquisition device.


The remaining issue is that I still can't communicate with my cDAQ. All the channels I made previously aren't recognized.




I still have a device that is unknown in the Device Manager:


I tried to follow the same procedure as I did for the cDAQ-9133, but it didn't happen the same. I couldn't install the driver manually, an error occured.



Probably I didn't choose the right one; here's a screenshot of the page where I have to choose the drier. I tried with few of them but not successfull (I tried USB DAQ DEVICE and NI cDAQ-9133).



Do you know which one I have to choose ?


Thank's again for your help,


Best regards,



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

Okay, that's progress anyway.  Smiley Happy


I'm still not sure what the unknown device is.  Do you have anything plugged into the cDAQ controller, besides power, monitor, keyboard, and mouse?  Do you have any modules installed in any of the cDAQ's slots?


In Device Manager, right-click on the Unknown device and open its Properties.  Under the Details tab, select Hardware Ids in the Property dropdown.  What is the Value shown?

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Message 10 of 14