Multifunction DAQ

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Problem with the generation of two pulse trains by internal counters

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I'm making a temperature control for two heaters, with the NI 9472 (Digital Outputs module), NI 9271 (RTD to measure temperatures) and cDAQ-9174 chassis. So, I'm using the internal counters NI 9174 module to generate two train pulses on the digital outputs (I tried with both cases -> continuous and finite pulses). Before that, I have two separate wherein each sent the duty cycle percentage to the two Pulse Generation tasks (I configured these tasks with the Physical Channel cDAQ1Mod1/ctr0 and cDAQ1Mod1/ctr1). The problem is when I run the program, because the application at the begin ran well, but after a few seconds the communication between the chassis and the application is missed (no error messages appear, but the external LEDs on the NI 9472 module had been turned off and temperature readings on the NI 9271 module stopped too). Then I tried to stop it with a "Stop" button, but nothing happen. After, I aborted the running and again nothing happened. So, I finished Labview program with the task manager and a little message appeared "Resetting VI: xxxxx". Finally, I need to restart my computer to run again the program. Can anybody help with this please? If you need more information, let me know.




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Message 1 of 3

Hi Luis, good afternoon,


I am not sure what could be happening, but first of all I am wondering if you have the error cluster connected and with no handling error, if this happends LV will not tell you any information about what is happening. So, if you are doing this at the end you should add the simple error handler VI.


And about what is going on with your cDAQ, maybe you are overfloding the data bus and this shuts down your system. If the status LED blinks you can read what does that code means and if this is the problem the manual tells you that.


I will be checking this post for any further information!!


Take care!

Luis Elias
NI VeriStand and HIL Product Manager
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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by Luis V.

Hi Luis,


I have the error cluster connected. But, I resolved my problem of different way. I don't know why, but when I configured my RTD module with DAQ assistant to test one part of my design in a new VI file, the RTD module works very well, but if I copy all the logic program (include my DAQ assistant) back to my principal VI file and run the application, only for a few time the communication between my DAQ hardware and my software works it. So, I resolved my problem configured any device or module in the same application file again and problem disappears.

Thanks for your help.


Luis V.


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Message 3 of 3