08-10-2016 07:53 AM
I have a cDAQ NI9184: 4 slot chassis with a NI9234: 4channel IEPE Analog Inputs, and NI9421 8 channel Digital sinking input
I am trying to configure an analog input task with a digital start trigger and a digital stop trigger also.
For stop trigger I am using a reference trigger as suggested in this tutorial link. I would like to use the digital pattern reference strigger since I want the stop trigger to happen when two DI lines get.
When I try to do this using a DAQmxCfgDigPatternRefTrig i get the following error:
DAQmx Error: Requested value is not a supported value for this property. The property value may be invalid because it conflicts with another property.
Property: DAQmx_RefTrig_Type
Requested Value: DAQmx_Val_DigPattern
Possible Values: DAQmx_Val_AnlgEdge, DAQmx_Val_AnlgWin, DAQmx_Val_DigEdge, DAQmx_Val_None
Task Name: hw1
Status Code: -200077
in function DAQmxCfgDigPatternRefTrig
I tried to use the Digital Edge Reference trigger and it works fine. However the digital pattern trigger is giving that error.
I am doing all this by calling the nidaqmx c functions from python. I have attached the code for reference.
import numpy import time import ctypes nidaq = ctypes.windll.nicaiu from ctypes.wintypes import BOOLEAN int32 = ctypes.c_long uInt32 = ctypes.c_ulong uInt64 = ctypes.c_ulonglong float64 = ctypes.c_double TaskHandle = uInt32 DAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default = int32(-1) DAQmx_Val_Volts = 10348 DAQmx_Val_Rising = 10280 DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps = 10178 DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel = 0 DAQmx_Val_PatternMatches = 10254 DAQmx_Val_CurrReadPos = 10425 DAQmx_Val_DigPattern= 10398 DAQmx_Val_AnlgEdge = 10099 class MyList(list): pass # list where the data are stored data = MyList() totD = [] def CHK(err): """a simple error checking routine""" if err < 0: buf_size = 1000 buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer('\000' * buf_size) nidaq.DAQmxGetErrorString(err,ctypes.byref(buf),buf_size) raise RuntimeError('nidaq call failed with error %d: %s'%(err,repr(buf.value))) taskHandle = TaskHandle(0) max_num_samples = 1024 data = numpy.zeros((max_num_samples,),dtype=numpy.float64) read=int32 CHK(nidaq.DAQmxCreateTask("hw1",ctypes.byref(taskHandle))) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxCreateAIVoltageChan(taskHandle,"cDAQ9184-1B20914Mod1/ai0","",DAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default,float64(-5.0),float64(5.0),DAQmx_Val_Volts,None)) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxCfgInputBuffer(taskHandle, 10240)) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming(taskHandle,"",float64(1024.0), DAQmx_Val_Rising,DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps,uInt64(max_num_samples))) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxCfgDigEdgeStartTrig(taskHandle,"/cDAQ9184-1B20914Mod2/PFI0", DAQmx_Val_Rising)) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxSetRefTrigType(taskHandle, DAQmx_Val_AnlgEdge)) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxCfgDigPatternRefTrig(taskHandle,"/cDAQ9184-1B20914Mod2/PFI0:7", "11xxxxxx", DAQmx_Val_PatternMatches, 2)) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxSetReadRelativeTo(taskHandle, DAQmx_Val_CurrReadPos)) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxStartTask(taskHandle)) time.sleep(5) flag=1 while flag: print 'hi' CHK(nidaq.DAQmxReadAnalogF64(taskHandle,-1, float64(-1), DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, data.ctypes.data, max_num_samples,ctypes.byref(read), None)) print"acquiring data" totD.append(data) time.sleep(1) if taskHandle.value != 0: # DAQmx Stop Code CHK(nidaq.DAQmxStopTask(taskHandle)) CHK(nidaq.DAQmxClearTask(taskHandle)) print "final data" nptotD=numpy.array(totD) print nptotD
Is the digital pattern refernece trigger not supported on nidaqmx?
Solved! Go to Solution.
08-10-2016 06:04 PM - edited 08-10-2016 06:05 PM
Not every device supports every trigger type available in the DAQmx API. Specifically, as the error indicates, the NI 9421 does not support digital pattern reference triggers. (Nor does any C Series module in CompactDAQ as far as I can see.)