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SCXI-1001Does not Read properly

I am updating a large legacy system.  I have 16 SCXI-1102 TC modules, and have noticed the ones in the SCXI-1001 chassis are not working properly, whereas the ones in the SCXI-1000 chassis are working.  I have swapped modules between chassis and the error stays with the chassis.  Also, since the SCXI-1000 is daisy chained through the SCXI-1001 I doubt it is a cabling or controller  issue.

Because my system is large, is it possible I have a device conflict occuring somewhere?  Due to the massive amounts of cabling, it is not desireable to significantly reconfigure the setup.

PC has PXI-8362 module controlling PXI1 and PXI3

PXI1 connected to PC via PXI-8360
    SCXI-1001 connected to PXI1 using PXI6040E controller
           TC Modules
        SCXI-1000 daisy channed to PXI1  (6040E controller)
            TC Modules
    SCXI-1001 connected to PXI3 via PXI6040E
             1163R Relay modules
    PXI2 connected to PXI1 via MXI cable
             Multiplexer modules

Thanks in advance for your help,

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11


What error specifically do you receive with the SCXI 1001 chassis?  Please include error code and message.



Applications Engineer
National Instruments
LabVIEW Introduction Course - Six Hours
Getting Started with NI-DAQmx
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11
Ima U,

The devices test properly and do not give an error.  However, when trying to take a reading in both MAX and using DAQmx the output is a random value that sometimes drifts.

I am using:
MAX 4.2.1
NI-DAQmx 8.3
Labview 8.2

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11
Hi Adam,

I am taking over for Ima today because she is out of the office.  Is it possible for you to post a little diagram of your setup because I am having a hard time determining the different connections being made.  In particular, I'm not sure if there are multiple SCXI chassis involved.  Also, are there multiple PXI chassis?

A simple drawing in paint or other software would be very helpful.  Thanks!
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11
Hi Adam,

You should check out the "Troubleshooting an SCXI Chassis" knowledgebase. It sounds like the SCXI-1001 might have a blown fuse.

Brad Keryan
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Attached is a Autocad drawing and screen capture of the complete system.  Overall, there are 3 SCXI chassis and 3 PXI chassis.  I have tried every combination of cable, SCXI, controller, and PXI I can think of or reasonably connect due to wiring limitations.

I have been unsuccessful getting a single SCXI-1102 modules to work in the SCXI-1001 chassis with everything else removed.  The modules do work in the SCXI-1000 chassis.


I will go check the fuses now, although I doubt that is the culprit because my relay modules work in both SCXI-1001 but the TC modules work in neither.

I fear I may be up against a memory allocation / addressing issue here, although that would not explain why I cannot get it to work with only 1 module.  I have started a service request #1038179.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Hi Adam,

From my understanding you are only getting incorrect readings from your SCXI 1102 modules in the SCXI 1001 chassis.  I did take a look at the drawing of your setup.  I am not sure if your setup could be causing this because they are not quite daisy chained together.  Have you tried the SCXI 1102 in a single SCXI 1001 chassis outside of the setup?  Do you always use the SCXI 1102 in the first slot of the chassis?  Check out this Knowledge Base. I would also recommend you take a look at these knowledge base articles found here and here.


Applications Engineer
National Instruments
LabVIEW Introduction Course - Six Hours
Getting Started with NI-DAQmx
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Message 7 of 11
Thanks for the help, it appears I had multiple problems with the system.

I got the 1102 modules to work in the SCXI-1001 chassis, however until I get a replacement 1346, I cannot read the modules in the other chassis.

Known problems found:
1) SCXI-1346 bad.  Does not read daisy chain index 0 properly.  By switching this from the large chassis to the smaller chassis, the error stays at index 0
2) Blown analog fuses.  This caused confusion throughout the debug process.
3) Bad Module creating more blown analog fuses
4) Bad Cold Junction in module slot 1.

I can only speculate that a hot TC caused cascading failures up the line and the bad cold junction in another module was unrelated.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hi Adam,

You are welcome for the help.  I am glad that the issue is being resolved.  Thank you for listing out the cause of the problem.  It always benefits others who view this post.  Are you getting your 1346 replaced?


Applications Engineer
National Instruments
LabVIEW Introduction Course - Six Hours
Getting Started with NI-DAQmx
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11
I thought I had the problems fixed, but when I tried to use the system recently, I got bad readings from the SCXI-1001 chassis again.

I have replaced the 1346 and cables.  I also had to replace the supply fuse on the SCXI-1001 chassis.

I am beginning to suspect the chassis itself is the root of my problems, any suggestion for how to validate this theory, as I have no spare chassis?

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Message 10 of 11