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Set Digital Out as Open Collector in NI MAX

I am not sure where the best place for this post should go since there isn't a NI MAX Board:


Is there a way to set a digital out as an open collector (assuming device supported) through NI MAX?  Via Global Channels/Tasks/Device Config?  I am currently using the USB-6001, but see no way of performing this in MAX.   I know there is the ability to do it via a channel property node within Labview (


If there is no way to do this, could this be a possible future feature (along with the ability to change other properties via MAX)?

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Message 1 of 4

I don't think it is possible to do this in MAX.  I also doubt that this would be added as a future feature in MAX since you can do these kinds of things through DAQmx.  Ultimately, MAX is intended to be used for device discovery and basic configuration.  Why do you want to change it in MAX?

Cody A.
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Message 2 of 4

It doesn't really matter either way, but it would be convinient to be able to change more settings through MAX so you don't have add it to every piece of LV code you may use.  I do understand that it make sense to require this kind of setup on a program to program basis, since developers do use the same piece of equipment for multiple products/applications and trying to keep track of what the settings in MAX are could be a huge PITA.

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Message 3 of 4

I agree with wbren. 

MAX is used with most other devices to setup the hardware options.

For example, in the 7354 flexmotion card, one chooses open collector or totem-pole for the breakpoint output.

It seems strange that this isn't configurable in MAX.


Brian Smith
Advanced Light Source
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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