Multifunction DAQ

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Setting analog output of a 6221 board to zero after stopping a task

After generating a waveform on the AO of my 6221 board, I stop the task with the DAQmx This leaves the output of the AO at whatever value it happened to be when it was stopped. However, I want the output to go to zero when I am not using the board anymore. To accomplish this, I put in a DAQmx with a waveform that is at zero, started it with DAQmx, and finally ran DAQmx again. While this second waveform runs, the output is at zero. However, when it stops, the output gets shifted to a non-zero output. How can I reset the output?

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Message 1 of 2
It looks like you are trying to set the output to zero using two different tasks. It might be better to set it to zero right after the while loop using the same task. If you look at this other post, that might help you out. Specifically, please take a look at reply 4, where the VI is attached. It seems like that is what you are trying to accomplish.
Thank you,
Raajit L
National Instruments
Message 2 of 2