Multifunction DAQ

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Setting voltage out for DAQ 6010

Good day,

   while I filed a support ticket, perhaps the excellent folks on the forums have an answer to my 

question as well.


   I am using an NI 6010 multifunction DAQ, and am having a difficult time setting the output voltage.

I am running on OpenSuse 11.1, with nikal 110 and daqmx801f.   Ah, I should also mention I 

am using the direct C interface, and not running through labview proper.


   Reading voltages through the DAQ is working well, but setting the output voltage  with:








Is not working.   I have a volt meter set up on pins 12 and 11 (12 being the ao0+ side and 11 being the ao0- side)

and am reading no output voltage.  This is basically the same code as the NI example  VoltUpdate.c, which

I am using for testing purposes while trying to get to the root of this issue.


Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.



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It could be possible your card may be broken. Try running this and see if it passes the test. You would need windows machine for that 😉 and DAQmx driver.


Good luck !


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