01-20-2010 09:39 PM
I am amazied with the sample and channel
just like PCIe6537, it is 32 channels with per-channel directional control.
i want to use the 32 channels all, and continue to collect data.So should i chose "Digital U32 NChan 1Samp" or "Digital U32 1Chan 1Samp"
I think the two channels maybe have different means. in "Digital U32 1Chan 1Samp" the 1 channel may have 32 lines, and this 'line' is the same mena as the 'channel ' in PCIE6537's 32 channels.
Please help me
01-21-2010 05:28 AM
01-22-2010 10:13 AM
hi Adnan Z , Thanks very much.
if i use"Digital U32 1chan 1 samp" and set to "one channel for one line" then can i get 32bit data for one instance? if i can get,why are there 32bits?
in the line there are bit datas, for one sample i think it is only 1 bit, and there is only a line, so i should get 1 bit fore one instance.
where is the problem?
thanks !
01-22-2010 10:43 AM