09-21-2011 04:14 AM
I'm new to temperature measurement using thermocouples.
I want to use the NI - 9214 which supports different types of thermocouples. My questions is: How does the module know, which type of thermocouple is connected?
Kind regards
09-21-2011 11:43 AM
Hi Kolja,
You tell it what the thermocouple type is by passing a parameter to the DAQmx Create Channel VI or by selecting the type in the DAQ Assistant.
09-22-2011 02:11 AM
I'm new to temperature measurement using thermocouples.
I am using SCB-68 M Series device and PCIe- 6363 to acquire data from thermocouple using labview signal express 2010 version 4 at a range of 400-800 degree centigrade using K type thermocouple.but not able to get the data
what will be the cofiguration setting to use in differential mode?
Thanks & Regards