Multifunction DAQ

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Two edge separation task without counters

I am trying to perform two edge separation and I dont have any available counters.  How can I calculate accurately the time between the rising edge of signal A on channel 1 and the rising edge of signal B on channel 2?  I also have another acquisition taking place on channel 0.  So, total of 3 channels at max sampling rate of 333ks/s.  I am using M series 6251. Help?

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Message 1 of 4

What software are you using? If it's LabVIEW, you can use the Basic Level Trigger Detection function on each channel. Subtract one result from the other. The accuracy is directly related to your sample rate.

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Message 2 of 4

Yes I am using LabVIEW.  Since this card does not simultaneously sample I thought there was a time associated between channel samples? 

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Message 3 of 4

Yes, there is. You can read this with a DAQmx timing property node. It's the inverse of the Convert Clock rate..

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Message 4 of 4