Multifunction DAQ

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USB 6008 analog out

problem with a USB 6008 and the analog out, I have built an application in Labview on my desktop computer and everything works fine,with the USB 6008 connected, but when I built an installer including the application and Max configuration and then installed this on another computer the analog out doesn't work, all analog in and digital i/o's  work fine it's just analog out that doesn't work. If i run the test panel in max on this computer the outputs works fine

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Message 1 of 4



Please check that you have proper error handling (perhaps using the 'simple error handler' VI) as there may be an error occurring but not being displayed. The analog outputs on the 6008 are software timed single point operations so you may be getting an 'requested value is not supported' error but not seeing it.


If the analog outputs don't work on any machine then I would contact NI for RMA.



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Message 2 of 4

I just noticed you said the test panels work fine. In that case, its definately either a software code issue or incorrect driver.

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Message 3 of 4

With the 6008 plugged in to my desktop the Labview (8.2.1Professional Development) application runs fine with all inputs and outputs working as they should.

It's just when I build an installer and an executable and run this application on another computer that the output stops working(with the same 6008),but everything else seems to work fine (ie. analog in and digital I/O)

As I previously mentioned I included MAX configuration from my desktop in the installer but I have had problems including NI-DAQmx 8.8 as an additional installer, kept getting error codes. After reading through problems on NI support, it could have something to do with Net framework needing to be 3.0 or higher I'm currently 2.0.

I am updating NET framework and will try again.


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