03-22-2015 06:27 PM
I have trouble connecting USB-6009 OEM with my new laptop with windows 8.1. My USB-6009 OEM device is not shown up in NI Max. So when I check Device Manager, there is a question mark on "NI USB-6009 OEM FW". I tried to install Labview 2011 but still the same. When I tried to choose the driver in Device Manager manually, I can only find NI-VISA driver as the closest one. It is still not working when I open DAQmx to check my card. It is still not detected in NI Max and anywhere within labview. When I used NI-VISA driver, and try to connect the device in NI Max, I get timeout error. I think I need to see NI-USB driver instead of NI-VISA driver. Any help would be appreciated.
03-22-2015 07:28 PM
03-22-2015 07:40 PM
@Dennis_Knutson wrote:
It's silly to try and use VISA. You should be using DAQmx. What version of DAQmx did you install? The latest is 14.5 - http://www.ni.com/download/ni-daqmx-14.5/5212/en/
I am using the latest version of DAQmx which is 14.5.
03-22-2015 08:19 PM
03-22-2015 08:27 PM
@Dennis_Knutson wrote:
Is this the first time you have tried to use the 6009? Is this the only one you have?
I have only one 6009 but I think the card is working. I check with DAQmx base 2.1 on my Mac and it is partially recognized and I can run nidatalogger.app but most of the other apps are for older version of OS X. So most are not compactible with my current OS X . That's the reason I am trying it to get working on my windows laptop.
03-22-2015 08:52 PM
03-22-2015 08:57 PM
03-23-2015 11:15 AM
Hi Thoo,
You may also want to try reinstalling the DAQmx 14.5 driver first. DAQmx 14.5 is supported on Windows 8.1. Some of the driver files may have been corrupted and reinstalling the driver may solve the issue. If not, using the DAQmx Base driver could be a good option as Dennis suggested.