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USB-6211, Windows 7, Lab View 8.5.1 doesn`t work

Hi guys,


today i tried to reinstal our lab view programm for the realization of four point measurements.

First, i installed Windows 7 64-bit and then the Firewall Sophos and so on. Next Step was the Installation of Framework 3.5 and then Lab View 8.5.1 and the special parts for it. At the beginning it have to say it works with Windows 7 some years before. Now i start the MAX and then I take look into the serial and paraled device but there is just listed "COM1" and "LTP". It doesn`t realize my 6211 and the ltp troubleshoot doenst work. I get a failure. Tomorrow i will start it again.


But maybe some person have an idea where my problem is. Do you have some ideas to solve this problem?


Best regards



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Message 1 of 4

Hey Sebastion,


referring to the following homepage LV 8.5.1 is not supported in Win 7:

Windows Version Compatibility with LabVIEW - National Instruments


Due so several Windows updated it can be possible that it doesn't work any longer.


To get the correct DAQmx version:

DAQmx and LabVIEW Version Compatibility - National Instruments


Best Regards,



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Message 2 of 4

What version of DAQmx did you install?  According to the user manual, you need at least DAQmx 8.9.  But the first version of DAQmx to support Windows 7 is 9.0.1.  You might be able to just get away with installing a newer version of DAQmx.  The newest version to support LabVIEW 8.5 is DAQmx 9.3.


Of course, I highly recommend you just completely update your LabVIEW and DAQmx to the latest since LabVIEW 8.5 is not supported on Windows 7.

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Message 3 of 4



i tried with DAQ9.3 and know i can see the USB-6211. Thank you very much for help and support.


Best regards


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Message 4 of 4