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What is the highest frequency sine wave i can generate with a PCI-MIO-16E-1 (6070E)?

I Just installed a PCI-MIO-16E-1 (6070E) card in my PC and I am trying to output a sine wave. Right now I am just using measurement & automation explorer to do some testing and having trouble generating higher frequency sine waves. The sample rate is set at its maximum specified setting of 1Ms/S for output, I am trying to generate a sine wave of 100kHz by setting the "Samples to read" to 10. With these settings no output appears on the channel I am trying to use. The lowest I can set the "samples to read field" seems to be 15. Any advice or  are there other settings I should be adjusting to get a reliable 100kHz signal?
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Message 1 of 4
I don't understand what you are doing. You say that you want to generate a sine wave but you mention 'samples to read'.  The 'samples to read' is on the Analog Input tab. You need to be on the Analog Output tab to generate a signal.
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Message 2 of 4
Sorry, that was supposed to say "samples to write" in both cases. I am just testing the card right now and I am looking at analog output ao0 with an oscilloscope. I am trying to generate the signal using a task created using the "create new NI-daqmx task" wizard in measuremnt & automation explorer.
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Message 3 of 4
I thought you were in the test panels. That would be where I would recomend you start. Just set the rate. I don't set tasks in MAX so I'm not at all familiar with that though 10 samples seems like a very low number for a 100kHz signal. Looking at the task panel, make sure the signal type is set to sine wave and try using continuous generation setting the sample to write equal to the rate.
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Message 4 of 4