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Why is my cDAQ 9191 connected but status is "disconnected" ?


My cDAQ-9191 is successfully connected to my computer (Windows 7) via a cable and I can see it from the MAX software (version 14). However the status light on the device is always off (except for a couple of seconds when I first turn it on) and the status in the "system settings" is "Disconnected". In addition when I click on "Firmware" it shows me the following message : " There was a problem communicating with your device. Make sure your hardware is connected to the network and powered on". WHat should I do? I need to perform a selftest and get started ASAP.

Thanks for any tips. 

PS: I have followed all the steps stated in the online troubleshooting. I have even disabled my firewall and its still not working.





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Message 1 of 8

Hello Nadi,


I haven't worked with this device in particular before, but looking at the this KnowledgeBase article, it would appear that the status light being off is expected behavior. How do you currently have the device connected to your network?


Network cDAQ Troubleshooting Resources

Erin D.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hi Erin,


Thank you so much for your reply. I am so glad someone is willing to help because I have been stuck for days trying to figure it out.

The device is simply connected to my laptop via an ethernet cable (as shown in the picture). 


Thanks again,




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Message 3 of 8

Try deleting it from MAX, disconnect it, and reconnect it.


If you see it in MAX as "disconnected," it's likely you're seeing it from a prior connection rather than the current "connection."  This doesn't really offer you anything of value on its own.

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Message 4 of 8

Thanks natasftw for your answer, I've tried that but it didnt work. I still get the same outcome.  
Any other  idea what the problem might be?




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hello Nadi,


Do you get the same result if you look under Remote Systems in MAX instead of under My System > Devices and Interfaces > Network Devices? The device may need to be configured first under Remote Systems before it shows up as connected.


Also, I see from your earlier post that you have MAX version 14, but just out of curiosity what version of the DAQmx driver do you have? Do you have any other devices that are having trouble showing up as connected in MAX?

Erin D.
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Message 6 of 8

Ethernet and wireless cDAQ chassis (cDAQ-918x and cDAQ-919x) are not discoverable or configurable under Remote Systems in MAX.


Nadi, do you have multiple ethernet or wireless adapters configured and enabled on your host PC?  You can verify this in the Network Settings and Adapter Settings portions of your Windows configuration.  I would recommend disabling them all except for the one connected directly to your cDAQ-9191.  If this works, then there is further troubleshooting necessary to figure out a routing issues between adapters.  If not, there is a more fundamental problem with your firewall or other settings.

Tom W
National Instruments
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Message 7 of 8

I had this same problem today.  I was able to fix the issue by resetting the MAX configuration file.  Make sure you can ping the unit before to very that the network is working.

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Message 8 of 8