11:23 AM
- last edited on
07:31 PM
Content Cleaner
We have to use Windows XP due to legacy software and are having issues with DAQmx recognizing USB-6210 or USB-6001.
According to this page: http://www.ni.com/product-documentation/6913/en/
DAQmx 9.6 should support this hardware, but we have not been successful. Is this the correct version of DAQmx and if so, are there any manual steps that need to be taken for the drivers to be correctly recognized?
Both devices work with Windows 7 with multiple DAQmx versions.
Thank you.
09:15 AM
- last edited on
07:31 PM
Content Cleaner
You left out an important piece of information. What version of LabVIEW are you using?
Look at the following chart to see if 9.6 is compatible with the version of LabVIEW you are using.
01-25-2019 05:18 PM
This issue has been resolved. It was caused by having a newer version of DAQmx installed previously and not fully uninstalled before downgrading to 9.6. Per another thread with a similar issue, uninstalled all NI s/w, manually removed all NI-associated entries from the windows registry, and reinstalled the NI s/w.