Multifunction DAQ

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cDAQ simultaneous input/output syncronization

I want to send and receive a signal simulataneously at high rates. I have attached the VI. The  signal generator subVI(E-SIM Modulator) will give me 192 sample values as 1D array of waveform whenever called.
I want to send those sample values via Cdaq NI 9263 module and acquire then as well simultaneously via NI 9201 module. Once i've done that i need to call my signal generator VI again to generate new 192 sample values  and transmit and receive them and so on. But i'm not able to syncronize the whole operation, there is a delay in acquring the signal. And initial samples are lost. At higher rates almost half of the 192 sample values are lost due to delay in acquisition.
Some kind of common triggering of write and read operation or Any buffer approach or something? And any way to cater the delay of subVI processing, which produces fresh data. So write and read stay syncronized.
I have attached a simplified flow diagram,VI's.
Any kind of support would be very helpful .

Mohammad Ahsan
CIIT Lahore
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Hi ahsan911,


I was taking a look at your code and since you have the AO DAQmx Start Task vi with the wired to the AI DAQmx Start Task vi it will be executed after the AI Start task, if you want them to be synchrnoized you could base your code in out sychronization VIs examples which you could find in Help> Find Examples> Syncronization>Multi-function> Multi-Function-Synch or going to the following link from our community. I think you could try that and see if it helps you with that delay





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