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change to waveform/datalog format

I've just updated to labview 2009 from previous version.  The waveform/datalog format has been modified - I now get a "convert/cancel" dialog when an old format waveform is loaded.

For an acquisition application I have under development I have collected several thousand waveform files (in previous LV version) that require post processing and analysis.  These require converting to the new format prior to analysis.  Is there a batch routine to convert files that I can without need for the "convert/cancel" dialog on each one as this will obviously be very time consuming?

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Message 1 of 5

Hi andy p,

which function do you use? Can you open the function? Maybe you can connect a true constant to a case structure inside, to solve this problem. If it's a vi.lib vi, then you should copy it before making any changes.


Hope it helps.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hallo MikeS81


Quick response, thanks.

I am simply using the "read waveform from" and get the message shown in the attd file.





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5



If you haven't already solved this, could you attach an example VI and example datalog file. 🙂



Message 4 of 5

OK I have received a solution for this from NI (credit to James Collins rather than myself).


Conversion of datalog/waveform format can be made silent (ie no dialog box) by modifying the labview.ini file as follows.

Also reference KnowledgeBase article


Go to Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2009\labview.ini and add "silentDatalogConvert=True" to the ini file without the quote marks. Once you have added this key, reopen LabVIEW and now the Open Datalog function will automatically do the conversion.


For applications compiled to .exe (from application builder), datalog conversion can also be made silent by modifying the exename.ini (where exename is the name of the compiled application) file with the same "silentDatalogConvert=True" or including the (modified) labview.ini in the application builder build specs.


Note conversion of any datalog files to the new format makes them incompatible with any applications created with previous labview versions, therefore back up files if required.





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Message 5 of 5