Multifunction DAQ

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combine two daq physical channels in one single task

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Hello everyone!


I am using a PCI-6120 with a BNC-2120 to generate two signals: one is used to command an optical device that have to be caracterized, and the other signal is sent to a digital video camera to trigger the acquisition so that it is synchronized with the first signal. Everything is controlled with Labview.


I would like to give the possibility to the user to choose which channel to use for the first signal and which channel to use for the second signal, depending on how the devices are connected to the BNC-2120. So I would like to put two different "physical channel" VIs on the command window of Labview.


My question is:

Do I have to create two diffrent tasks for the signals to be generated on the correct channel, or can I combine the two channels (and how?) so that I manipulate only one task with two channels but still be sure that each signal is generated on the corerct channel, whichever channel is selected for each of the two signals...?


Thanks a lot for your answers.


Have a good day.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
Accepted by LucG

Hi LucG,


if you are using only one board you have to create only one task for the two generation.

You can choose multiple channels by clicking "Browes" in the physical channels control and choosing multiple channel thanks ctr+click, or by concatenating multiple channel with a comma like in the joined VI.


Then, when you provide data to the write VI, data have to be organized in a table, each channel is on a row, and the order of the channels is the same as in the the physical channels control.


I hope this can help!


Thank you

Message 2 of 6

Thanks Audrey.


That's what I've done in the end. I was just hopping I could let the user choose exactly which channel would generate what...




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

hi audrey

your advice regarding to this matter really helps me a lot.but i wanna ask you something,if we may be able to combine two physical channel in a task,can we be able as well to separate the data outcome from the can we do so?



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Message 4 of 6

A simple Index Array will do.

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Message 5 of 6

hi dennis,i appreciate that u like to help but can u be specific regarding to this matter.i am so sorry because i am just a beginner in Labview.

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Message 6 of 6