Multifunction DAQ

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energy monitoring?

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Message 1 of 6
You've got a whole message body to use to ask a question and you did not use it. How can you possibly expect anyone to understand what you want? Ask an actual question with some details - language using, hardware available, what you want to measure, etc.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Dear Mr Knigt NI,


Sorry.I didnt expect my message come out to this forums since some error at PC occur.Actually about energy monitoring. I am using Labview 7.1 software and DAQ card 6034E.

I am about to do energy monitoring program.It means first we have to measure power then integrate it with time to fine enrgy right?Is there anyone have done the energy measuring program using this software?If i cant install the DAQ card,can i develop a program  than can measure energy just by using the simulation generate signal?




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Message 3 of 6
I have done several energy and power monitoring projects using LabVIEW and NI hardware so the answer is yes to all of your questions. Creating a signal simulator in LabVIEW for testing purposes is also relatively simple. Good luck on your project
Buddy Haun
Certified Trainer, Former Alliance Member, LabVIEW Champion
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Message 4 of 6

Thank you so much. I really need your help as i am just a new learner to use this LabVIEW. I have no problem to simulate voltage.HOwever i am a little bit confuse on how to 1.generate current.Is it the waveform same with the voltage waveform. ?

2.Then i multiply Vrms *Irms*cos.Vi to get real power.However when i want to integrate it with the (find area under the error occur because it needs array input.





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Message 5 of 6
You can simulate your current as a voltage level. As a matter of fact, when you start doing actual power monitoring with hardware you will need sensors to measure the current and depending on the level, the voltage. The sensors provide a voltage output in most cases and perform the critical task of converting the voltage and currents being measured to levels compatible with you data acquisition board. Sensors can also provide isolation from high voltage sources, which is a critical safety issue in power monitoring. You really do not want to tie 120+ volts directly to you're data acquistion equipment without signal conditioning and isolation. You can scale the output of the sensors using MAX or in your program.
Buddy Haun
Certified Trainer, Former Alliance Member, LabVIEW Champion
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Message 6 of 6