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error -50103 from DAQ ni 9215


 i have a problem using NI 9215 BNC with NI USB 9162. I using this device for reading  4 different temperature in the same time and .everthing works just fine for 15 minutes and after that my computer starts to give this error 50103 if i am using a labwiev interface made by me, and error 88302 if i am using labwiev signal express. My labwiev version is 8.5 and Signal express 3.0.

please tell me how can solve this problem!

Thank you!



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thank you for your promt response

yes i have seen al this and nothing works. i reinstalled the driver for several time, different tipe of DAQ but without any resulty.the major problem is that my ni 9215 start to make problems even i am not using it. i just plug in the usbcable into my pc  and i don't open any aplication. it stays stabile for 15 minutes and after that begins to fall down. it is like a usb flash which is not recognised by the pc. i even tryed to install it on a desktop because i thought that my laptop can cause this error but it seems that it doesn't matter where is instaled the same problem apears

i even take it home because i thought that coud be the noise from my lab because i am working with microwave but the result  was also negative.



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Message 4 of 7

Hi Manuela,


Is the USB 9162 detected in both Windows Device Manager and Measurement and Automation Explorer after the application fails? 


Could you attach the LabVIEW VI and Signal Express project that you are using?


Sara Lewandroski
Applications Engineer | National Instruments
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Message 5 of 7


 you can find attached some images with my labwiev applicatin, and signal express error. i want to mention that i am a beginer in using labwiev and i assume that maybe i did some mistakes but my big question is why my ni 9215 is recognised just for 15 minutes and i see it in MAX and after that starts to  plug and unplug 10 times per minute without opening any labwiev aplication. and even i restart my computer the problem persists .

i want to mention that the ni 9215 is used with hi speed usb carrier ni usb 9162.

thank you!


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Message 6 of 7

Hi Manuela,


Could you try running Test Panels for an extended period of time, and let me know if the device becomes disconnected after 15 minutes of running Test Panels, as well?  It may be the hardware that is the problem.


Also, could you give me the information in the Timing Settings of SignalExpress?  This information is concealed by the DAQ Assistant Error message.  Is the same timing information used in the DAQ Assistant in LabVIEW?


Sara Lewandroski
Applications Engineer | National Instruments
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