03-18-2016 12:26 AM
I obtained three signals by using usb 6009. I splitted signals using convert dynamic type to array. By using array subset finally i splitted the three waveforms, but the problem is orginal waveform and splitted waveform has different time axis scales. can anyone help me to get the orginal signal time axis scale for splitted signals also? I attached a vi image below and highlighted the time axis with red marking.
Thank you.
03-18-2016 04:39 AM
I'm guessing the top graph is from the Dynamic Data Type straight from the DAQ Assistant and the other three are from the arrays. The top graph has that scale since there is timing information that it can use. The bottom graphs just have samples, so the x-axis is actually the sample count. Try converting to WAVEFORMS from the Dynamic Data Time. Waveforms also have timing information which will fix the x-axis.