Multifunction DAQ

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input simulated sinosidal signal to DAQ




previously i have done with hardware DAQ and i attach NI 9265 with NI 9227 DAQ. i was able to get DC signal but when i want to generate simulated sinosidal signal to input in DAQ 9227  i cannot get through it. Can anybody help me. how can i input simulated sine wave of 50 Hz frequency in DAQ 9227. i have try different methods but cannot be succesful.


Need ur guidence. How can i generate input as a sinosidal signal.


one more thing, when i generate a labview program with hardware input of NI 9265, later when i off my device and later i turn on. my labview program was still creating problem. no devicefound so i haveto configure again and restart all program of labview. even i attach DAQ on same board and same slots.

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