Multifunction DAQ

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ni usb 6353



I just bought a NI USB 6353 and I want to get differential voltage reading from a sensor I am building as part of a project.

When using Simulink, and using the "Analog Input" block, in Block parameters-Install new Board, I can't find my USB board. I m sure it is correctly installed, I also see it from MAX.


Does someone have an idea about why is this happening and if there is a solution?


Also, I receive this message:


>> out=daqhwinfo
The DAQ Legacy Interface is not supported on this platform. For more information on choosing between DAQ Legacy Interface and Session-Based
Interface, see the documentation on choosing the right interface.

To learn about using data acquisition devices on the win64 platform, see the documentation on the session-based interface.


Thanks a lot,



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Message 1 of 2

If you can see and communicate with your device in NI MAX, but not in non-NI software, you might want to try speaking with the makers of the non-NI software (:

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