Multifunction DAQ

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ni9269 as waveform generator


Is there a way to program the NI 9269 AO card of a compaqDAQ to act like a waveform generator on all channels independently.  That is.... program one channel to to output different voltages, and hold these voltages for different times, and will it be possible to do this for all the channels and the same time, independently and simultaneously.  Thank you

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Message 1 of 4

Hey Petedon,


This functionality is definitely possible. Do you have an AI module in your cDAQ as well?


You might want to check out some of the examples that are included in LabVIEW. Go to Helpà Find Examples. From there, go to Hardware Input and Output à DAQmx and then check out Analog Generation and Synchronization. These folders should show you how to get started creating the behavior you are looking for.


Hope these help! Let us know if you’ve got any further questions!


Joe S

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 4

I do have an AI module.  I,ve check the examples and found nothing that leads me along the lines I'm trying to go.  I've attached a vi of what  I have so far.  Two arrays are used to send voltages to two different channels on the AO.  I need to make it so that i can send , say, 2V for 2 minutes,5V for 10mins, 3V for 1 min on one channel,will the other channel will be outputing a different set of voltage/time data,,,,,,simultaneously.  Thank you

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Message 3 of 4




I was looking to generate a waveform also from 5 different channels on an NICARD 6031E PCI using channels po.0...7, and I did that by setting them HIGH or LOW but I saw that every instruction NIDAQmx to set the pin value HIGH or LOW took about 480us on the oscilloscope.


I managed to to make a serial waveform meaning that I set e.g. high on one pin and then low on another pin, one instruction at a time.


For my case the whole process is too slow because if each instruction takes 480us it makes everything too slow for my external chip receiving that waveform.


So I was also trying to find out how to create a faster waveform.


In the end I used an ATMEGA128 microcontroller to generate the same serial waveform but faster and I used the AISAMPLECLOCK hardware timing mode to acquire data.


I am not 100% sure that my data is received synchronised from my external chip but it looks as expected although I have also NOISE from my circuit.


In fact I posted my latest problems but I did not get any further replies.










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Message 4 of 4