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pci6013 help connecting

Ok I have installed labview 8.5 and have a pci6013 device installed correctly displaying in the measurement and automation explorer , my devices and interfaces. I want to connect a 240v ac to 8v dc transformer to it to measure the voltage. (Using labview as a multi meter) i connected positive of the 8v to ACH0 and neg 8v to AIGND. I was unable to see any reading in labview with this configuration. I don't have a connector block so I am connecting using jumper wires straight to the 68 pin flat cable connector Thanks Shawn
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Message 1 of 9
More details using daq assistant express vi for atttaining the voltage and the cable I am using is called Ni type 3b / 5b n1465
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Message 2 of 9

Hi Shawn,


Verify that you are seeing this behavior in Test Panels.  It seems you are using pins 68 and 67 based on your description, which is a reference single ended (RSE) configuration.  Ensure you are making this distinction in your setup.  I would also recommend trying other AI channels.  Hopefully this helps!


National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 3 of 9
Yes I am using rse config. In this config should I tie aisence together with aignd? At the moment I have ai0 to positive and aignd to negative of the 8v transformer. In this config I using one single aignd for all negtives ? Or using a seperate aignd for each test point/sensor I connect???? No not using testpoint I have made a labview blcok diagram with the daq assistant express vi in the setup option of this vi I was trying to see the 8v voltage reading
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Message 4 of 9

Whether or not you need to tie ground your AIGnd will depend on whether the transducer is floating or grounded- see the wiring guide.  All of the ground channels on the board are tied together so whichever way is easiest for you.  Pages 60 and 61 would also be helpful in determining the appropriate grounding configuration and whether or not your DAQ board needs to tie to ground.


National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 5 of 9
If their is nothing connected to a channel is it normal for the channel to display a. ~0.25 - 2.2 v saw tooth wave ??? ..whilst using test panels analogue output display. Where I used NRSE mode only because RSE option was not selectable. I am starting to think their could be a problem with the cards ribbon cable and adaptor as after doing some short circuit testing it appears to be ai channels connected to ground and other ai channels
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Message 6 of 9
It would be more appropriate using DIFF rather than RSE or NRSE. I want to eventually measure a strain gauge voltage which has voltage less than 1 v and has a cable length of more than 3 meters and but yes does not have. Extternal a ground. using DIFF configuration. I connected ai6 (also did the same with ai5 ai4 ai3 ai1 and ai0) and aignd to a external ground and test panel ANALOG INPUT is showing a ~ 0.259 to 0.263 volt fuzzy sin wave. In test panel I also clicked SELF TEST (passed!), reset device (RESET SUCCESSFULLY) and self calibrated the device( SUCCESSFULLY). When I take this ext ground away the channel still displays the same signal????? Further on the SC test I did last night on the 3b/5b ribbon cable with the ni 183139b - adaptor connected and the terminal block by PHONIX CONTACT (umk se) connected.... Please tell me whether this seems correct... Ai0 ai4 ai1 ai13 ai 15 dgnd and aignd are connected to the same pin on the ribbon cable. Another test I did on the card was a digital output test. Using test panels DIGITAL I/O. Where I sent logic highs to the seven bit digital port all but three bits displayed a change from low to high at the outputs.. also under properties, accessories I selected NONE. But I am using a non NI terminal block by PHONIX CONTACT (umk se) The cable and adaptor I am using is called type 3b / 5b and ni adaptor has a number 183139b - 01. As shown in attachment
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Message 7 of 9

There are a couple things to address.  1) Reading an open channel will usually result in an erratic signal as nothing is connected.  2)  Using a strain gauge will require excitation that cannot be provided by the PCI-6013e.  You will need to an external excitation source.  3)  The cable you are using is a 68 pin to 50 pin cable, which means you cannot use the pinouts from the specifications but rather you should reference the pinouts for this cable.  Typically the SH68-68-EP (2m) - 184749-02 is used with E, M, and X series devices.   This should help clarify the behavior you were experiencing.


National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 8 of 9
It doesn't look like the attachment I attached last message worked. The following attachment from my blackberry shows the connection type . Their are 68 pins connected on both sides. I have tried to map out how each of the pins are connected please refer to my following excel file.
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Message 9 of 9