Multifunction DAQ

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pin-out color coding for an old 100-pin device cable 182853A-05

I have a NI PCI 6071E DAQ card that uses an old 182853A-05 cable that connects to the card on one end and on the other opens to individual wires connected to each pin. All the AI channel wires are labelled, but I need to access the AO and digital pins, which are not labelled. Anybody have a description of the wire color coding?
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Hi aetc,


The easiest way to find what pins correspond to the wire on the other end would be to use an ohmeter and check for continuity.  You can find the pinout of 6071E by right clicking in Measurement and Automation Explorer and selecting Device Pinouts.  Then find which pins are AO, place one lead of the ohmeter on the AO pin and check for continuity by placing the other lead on the wires on the other end of the cable. 

Jim Schwartz
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