Multifunction DAQ

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programatically create nidaq device

Hello all,
I was wondering if it is possible to create a device (not a daq) but a SCC 2345 carrier module.  I would like to change a module based upon the test stand it is attached to.  I found I could read all modules but there was no invoke or property node which allowed me to do this.  I was also fiddling with active X and had no success.  It must be possible.  I do not know much of anything of .net or active X, but i will try anything.
The reason I am asking such a crazy request is I would like to create this option to babystep someone through the steps interactively with pictures so a LabVIEW traind person doesn't always have to be there to do set-ups.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Chris Co.
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Message 1 of 5
If you are asking about simulating a SCC 2345 device, here is what you can do
In MAX you could simulate this device. How to do this, is illustrated here and here
Also look at attached pic, to locate SCC blocks in simulated devices list
Hope this helps
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Message 2 of 5
Actually I need to do this during run-time.
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Message 3 of 5

Hello Chris. 

In order to use DAQ hardware in LabVIEW or any other programming language, the devices must first be recognized in MAX.  With that said, there are a few things that can be utilized to meet your needs.  First, I am assuming that there is a finite number of different SCC module combinations that will be placed inside of the 2345.  In that case, you can create a MAX configuration for each of these and then export the configurations to a specific test station.  This would cut down on the start up costs in terms of time.  Then, within LabVIEW, you could use the 'MAX Copy Configuration' VI (which is located at Measurement I/O>>MAX Configuration) to import configuration data from one of the configurations created by the main PC.  This should allow you to programmatically "detect" which SCC modules are present. 

Good luck on your application.  If you have any other questions, please post here!

Brian F
Applications Engineer
National Instruments 

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Message 4 of 5


Thankyou for the ideas and your time.  I re-read my question and determined I did not explain myself very well.  I have a dynamic task creater for any type of sensor in my arsenal and any number of sensors.  When I create the task I can query the max configuration to check the configuration with what is actually on the board and match that to my task.  I know I can retreive AN answer, but I do not know if this is a configuration output or a "sensed" output because the modules do not neccessarily have to match the configuration ( but in order to work they have to exactly match).  I can test the task and see if an error is produced (which I will).  It is at this point I would like to make my own interface to guide the user through making this error fix without opening MAX.  I do not believe I can open MAX at this point to make these changes since my task has reserved the resources (drivers?).  I can stop and clear the task and start another program that remembers the settings.  This program could guide the user through the process, but this can be difficult with two windows (one to guide and MAX).  Why am I so against using MAX- I'm not... it just is not going to take it step by step like I would (wire hook-up, Hot swapping, where I demand the module to be-i have my reasons-, etc)

After reading some responses it would seem unlikely I can achieve this.  It would be nice though.

Chris Co

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Message 5 of 5