Multifunction DAQ

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pulse generator with DAQ6020E and NI-VISA

I am trying to design a pulse generator circuit with the profile as shown in attachment. It consists of a 25V pulse of 180sec, followed by 35V pulse of 0.1sec and so on. Please give me the tips on how to build it. I have DAQ 6020(E) with BNC

as hardware device and NI-VISA, which i just purchased, as software device.



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NI-VISA has absolutely nothing to do with a DAQ device. You will need to use an actual programming language (LabVIEW, C/C++, VB, etc.) with the DAQmx driver.


You are also going to have to design your own circuit to provide the 25V offset. I don't think the DAQ card can do that.


When you've selected a programming language and installed the DAQmx driver, you should also have some programming examples installed.

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