09-03-2008 12:36 PM
Hi, I have three PXI-6071E cards sitting in a PXI-1042 Chassis. The Windows XP computer that I use to control the cards started crashing too much so I installed a clean copy of XP on a different interal HD and have been trying to run from that install. This means going through and trying to reinstal labview and all of its drivers... which so far hasn't gone so well. I have labview up and running fine (version 7.1) however whenever I try to run my programs it keeps popping up timeout errors from my PXI-6071E card. So I tried running the DAQ Diagnostic Utility V1.0 (with daqmx drivers v 7.5) and it gave me a bunch of -20047, -200284 and other errors. I tried updating my daqmx drivers to the newest version and running DAQ Diagnostic Utility V2.0, I'll post the logs from that below so this post doesn't get too cluttered
These cards all worked fine before the new windows installation, so it makes me suspicious that I misconfigured something somewhere. Either that or the computer got so crash happy because of something wrong with the cards (but I would suspect the misconfiguration first). Do any of the wise board members here have any ideas?
09-03-2008 12:40 PM
Running the DAQ Diagnostic Utility v2.0 I get the following mess:
9/3/2008 11:48:48 AM
Results saved to: no location selected (results not saved)
Selected Device: 2_6071E
Device Type: PXI-6071E
Serial Number: 10ACDF8
Device Support: (PASS)
NI-DAQmx Version: 8.7 (PASS)
Device Reset: (PASS)
The device was last self-calibrated on: 6/10/2008 1:35:46 PM
Device calibration skipped.
-------------------- Testing Counters... --------------------
Testing CTR Buffered Pulse Generation... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200284 occurred at DAQmx Read (Counter 1D DBL 1Chan NSamp).vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: Some or all of the samples requested have not yet been acquired.
To wait for the samples to become available use a longer read timeout
or read later in your program. To make the samples available sooner,
increase the sample rate. If your task uses a start trigger, make sure
that your start trigger is configured correctly. It is also possible
that you configured the task for external timing, and no clock was
supplied. If this is the case, supply an external clock.
Property: RelativeTo
Corresponding Value: Current Read Position
Property: Offset
Corresponding Value:
Testing CTR Single Pulse Generation... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200474 occurred at DAQmx Read (Counter DBL 1Chan 1Samp).vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: Specified operation did not complete, because the specified timeout expired.
-------------------- Testing Analog Input... --------------------
Testing AI Ground Reference... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Analog Input was not within tolerance for ground reference. Expected to read: 0.000000 Actually read: 0.495580
Testing AI Voltage Reference... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200329 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: An error has occurred while attempting to configure the device for an analog input acquisition.
If an external master timebase is being used, make sure the source is
connected and generating an appropriate clock. Otherwise, contact
National Instruments Technical Support.
Testing AI Finite Sample Clock... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200329 occurred at DAQmx Control Task.vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: An error has occurred while attempting to configure the device for an analog input acquisition.
If an external master timebase is being used, make sure the source is
connected and generating an appropriate clock. Otherwise, contact
National Instruments Technical Support.
Testing AI Finite Sample Clock Frequency... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200329 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: An error has occurred while attempting to configure the device for an analog input acquisition.
If an external master timebase is being used, make sure the source is
connected and generating an appropriate clock. Otherwise, contact
National Instruments Technical Support.
-------------------- Testing Analog Output... --------------------
Testing AO Finite Sample Clock... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -50400 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:1
Possible reason(s):
The transfer did not complete within the timeout period or within the specified number of retries.
Testing AO Finite Sample Clock Frequency... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200474 occurred at DAQmx Read (Counter DBL 1Chan 1Samp).vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: Specified operation did not complete, because the specified timeout expired.
Testing AO Single Point... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200329 occurred at DAQmx Read (Analog 1D DBL 1Chan NSamp).vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: An error has occurred while attempting to configure the device for an analog input acquisition.
If an external master timebase is being used, make sure the source is
connected and generating an appropriate clock. Otherwise, contact
National Instruments Technical Support.
Testing AO Accuracy... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200329 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: An error has occurred while attempting to configure the device for an analog input acquisition.
If an external master timebase is being used, make sure the source is
connected and generating an appropriate clock. Otherwise, contact
National Instruments Technical Support.
-------------------- Testing Digital IO... --------------------
Testing DIO Lines... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Incorrect digital value read internally from 2_6071E/port0/line0. Expected FALSE, Read TRUE.
Testing DIO Ports... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Incorrect digital value read internally from 2_6071E/port0. Expected 1, Read 149.
09-03-2008 12:40 PM
If I run it on one of the other cards it will actually pass a few of the tests and give me:
9/3/2008 1:26:40 PM
Results saved to: no location selected (results not saved)
Selected Device: 3_6071E
Device Type: PXI-6071E
Serial Number: 10ACE22
Device Support: (PASS)
NI-DAQmx Version: 8.7 (PASS)
Device Reset: (PASS)
The device was last self-calibrated on: 9/2/2008 11:51:22 AM
Device calibration skipped.
-------------------- Testing Counters... --------------------
Testing CTR Buffered Pulse Generation... (PASS)
Testing CTR Single Pulse Generation... (PASS)
-------------------- Testing Analog Input... --------------------
Testing AI Ground Reference... (PASS)
Testing AI Voltage Reference... (PASS)
Testing AI Finite Sample Clock... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Count of sample and convert clock pulses does not match expected
number. Frequency: 125000.00 Samples: 10.00 Channel List: ai0
Testing AI Finite Sample Clock Frequency... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200474 occurred at DAQmx Read (Counter DBL 1Chan 1Samp).vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: Specified operation did not complete, because the specified timeout expired.
-------------------- Testing Analog Output... --------------------
Testing AO Finite Sample Clock... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
This test failed to generate 250000 AO sample pulses. The actual amount written was 0
Testing AO Finite Sample Clock Frequency... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200474 occurred at DAQmx Read (Counter DBL 1Chan 1Samp).vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: Specified operation did not complete, because the specified timeout expired.
Testing AO Single Point... (PASS)
Testing AO Accuracy... (FAIL)
************ Test FAILED for the following reason ************
Error -200284 occurred at DAQmx Read (Analog 1D DBL 1Chan NSamp).vi:1
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: Some or all of the samples requested have not yet been acquired.
To wait for the samples to become available use a longer read timeout
or read later in your program. To make the samples available sooner,
increase the sample rate. If your task uses a start trigger, make sure
that your start trigger is configured correctly. It is also possible
that you configured the task for external timing, and no clock was
supplied. If this is the case, supply an external clock.
Property: RelativeTo
Corresponding Value: Current Read Position
Property: Offset
Corresponding Value:
-------------------- Testing Digital IO... --------------------
Testing DIO Lines... (PASS)
Testing DIO Ports... (PASS)
Running the test on the third card gives me the same result
09-04-2008 12:54 PM
Hello pwb2103,
I see that your PXI-6071E cards have failed the DAQ Diagnostic Utility testing. This could be a tricky problem to troubleshoot. I find that a good place to start is to verify that all of your hardware is recognized in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). If so, do your 6071E cards pass individual self tests in MAX? Also, it's a good idea to make sure that 6071Es are firmly and correctly seated in their slots. Re-seat all of the 6071Es in their slots, and try running the DAQ Diagnostic Utility again.
Best wishes,
Wallace F.
09-04-2008 04:45 PM - edited 09-04-2008 04:46 PM
Thanks for the ideas, this is pretty confusing right now. I tried reseating all three cards (turned off computer and chasis, reseated cards, turned chasis back on, turned computer back on) then ran MAX. All three cards show up fine and pass the self-test fine (i've never actually seen a card fail the self test). However they still fail under the diagnostic tool.
I still have my old windows installation with the previously working setup on a seperate harddrive. Would it be possible to root through that drive, find the appropriate preference files and then bring them over to directly replace the preference files I am currently running with? I originally used the import export command in MAX to try to setup this installation as similarly as possible to the old one but it didn't properly import all the settings (for example I still ahd to set up the PXI system etc.)
09-05-2008 06:36 PM
Hello pwb2103,
I understand that the PXI-6071Es pass the device self tests. I do have some questions about the procedure used when installing the clean copy of Windows XP on a different hard drive. When you installed the clean Windows XP, and subsequently installed your application software and drivers, was your PXI-1042 chassis with the PXI-6071Es connected to your computer? Also, in your original post, you mentioned DAQmx 7.5. Is this the latest version installed on your computer? If so, what application software are you using, because it might be of benefit to update to a later version of DAQmx, version 8.8 if it is compatible with your application software.
Best wishes,
Wallace F.
09-07-2008 02:11 PM
Hi Wallace,
Yes, when windows was installed the PXI-1042 was connected to my computer via a optical MXI-4 connection.
I was previously using DAQmx7.5 successfully on the old XP installation that failed, when it didn't work on this new clean installation I upgraded to MAX4.5 and DAQmx 8.7.2f1 (I thought I had grabbed the newest version, not sure how i missed 8.8)
I also just tried turning off the computer and chassis, removing the MXI card, turning the computer back on, repairing the installation of all national instruments software I have installed, turning the computer off, putting the card back in, then turning the chassis on, and finally starting up the computer again. The found new hardware wizard reinstalled my MXI card... but the diagnostic utility still failed with the same errors.
09-08-2008 02:43 PM
To all,
Due to the real possibility that this situation may require an RMA, the original poster has opted to continue all troubleshooting efforts over the phone. If a solotuion, other than RMA is found, a summary of the solution will be posted to this thread.
Best wishes,
Wallace F.