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torque measurement using NI-9237



I'm using ni-9237 & one of the NI example bridge-continous to measure the torque output. The sensor used is futek model as link

The problem i facing was i apply torque of 60 in-lb, it return back 40 in-lb, so need to know how to get those first electrical value, second electrical value as attach in jpg pic??





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Message 1 of 2

Hi Simon,


How have you configured the example code?  It looks like the sensor is a full bridge sensor with nominal resistance of 350Ω.  Are you using the internal excitation of the 9237?  What excitation value have you configured?  (The default of 2.5V is not within the requirement for your sensor, which is 5 - 11V.)


If the task is configured properly, then we can move on to the scaling.  Your sensor should have come with calibration data that defines the relationship between electrical and physical values.  If you don't have that sheet, we can create our own scale.  You've already got one reference point -- the measurement reads 40 when your known value is 60.  What is the reading under the unloaded case (or in another known circumstance)?


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