Multifunction DAQ

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use USB-6366 board in galvo control



I am pretty new to Labview so I have some questions before starting my project. so far I have;


Hardware: USB-6366 X-series Data acquisition board, Galvo controlled by voltage

Software: Labview 2013 sp1 on windows, SignalExpress


What I am trying to achieve: control the galvo (seperate output for both x and y)


My quesiton: is the USB-6366 board alone enough to carry out the task? I saw people use combination of DAQmx card and BNC board to have such function but I dont know exactly why.


Please let me know any of your thoughts. Thanks!



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Message 1 of 3
As you can see from the specs, you have two analog outputs so the board should work. A bnc terminal board is just an alternative to the screw terminals for connecting signals.
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for replying!

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Message 3 of 3