Multifunction DAQ

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wireless audio transmission


I am looking for a measurement of audio signals (from two microphones) and has to be transmitted wireless.

Is there any solution with NI devices.

E.g. direct two channels input from two Microphone to NI devices and may be this device transmit data wireless to PC for further processing.

The range of wireless should be around 30 m.


Can anyone suggest me for such NI device.


Thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 5

For the solution, i have found NI 9234 with NI WLS/ENET-9163 i.e. the combination is called NI WLS-9234.

My concern would be if the system would fulfill my requirements as i stated in the first query.


thanks in advance.

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Message 2 of 5

The NI 9234 has four input channels, and the range of the WLS-9163 is 30 meters indoor, and 100 meters line of sight. This setup looks like it will meet your range, and input channel requirements. Are there any other requirements you have?

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Message 3 of 5


if i dont have a laptop with wireless card, (or if i have a simple desktop PC) is it necessary to install wireless card or is there any other solution from national instruments for receiving such signals from WLS9163, so that the receiver can be placed near to pc and connected to pc through any means (e.g. USB) and the data analyzed through LABVIEW or associated software.


Thank you for your support and further thanks in advance.



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Message 4 of 5

Hi fhs_dur,


The NI 9163 chassis is a legacy device and for new applications we suggest using the NI cDAQ-9191. The cDAQ-9191 uses standard 802.11 wireless protocal so will work with existing wifi networks. You can use a wireless access point to connect the cDAQ-9191 to your network and then use an ethernet cable to connect your computer to the wireless access point. You can even find wireless access points that can be powered by a usb port if you need a small form factor and portability. 



Brian A

R & D Product Support Engineer | WSN/Network DAQ

National Instruments 

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Message 5 of 5