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Modeling Lorenz Attractor Circuit in Multisim

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I'm currently working in multisim to model several chaotic circuits. I have had no difficulties with previous circuits, but when I attempt to build the Lorenz Attractor circuit, I keep getting a convergence error, and I cannot figure out why. I even attempted to build the circuit piece by piece, with random AC signal generators in place of X, Y, and Z just to test the configuration of my components (i.e. to see if the integrating circuits would run - which they did), but once I connected the multipliers and all other appropriate connections, it would no longer run, and would print a convergence error. I've attached both an image (in case you can visually tell whats wrong) and the multisim file. Any help with this would be much appreciated - as I am at a complete loss.

Thank you

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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by JStudent

I don't know if there's another way to do this. But I did resolve the problem. It was something as simple as the wires not being fully connected where I believe they had been. I am new to multisim, so perhaps in time, I will not make simple mistakes like this.

Thank you - I don't know how to mark this as resolved.

Message 2 of 5

i download your file(lorenz attractor ) i simulate at multisim there is no error and at same time i can not see the simultion (nothing appears in graph)

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Message 3 of 5

Привет! Спасибо за интересную информацию! А то понятия не имел, с чем едят аттракт Лоренца. Теперь хоть знать буду...,-хотя и без него неплохо жилось...🤣
Оригинальную схему не изменял.
Начальные условия установить в ноль, и шаг времени в 1e-4 ,чтобы симуляция побыстрее шла, и получим такие результаты: (не знаю, насколько они верны, так как далёк от математики такого уровня...)
Криули занятные получаются, однако!

аттракт Лоренца.gif

аттракт Лоренца1.gif

аттракт Лоренца1.gif



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Message 4 of 5

How could you modify your program because I could not do that,,, and when we have one of the system equations that contains Y^3, how do we put it on the circuit?


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Message 5 of 5